Let’s begin your wig + hair topper journey

How can I help you?

I’ll start. For me, I just didn’t feel good about myself when I looked in the mirror anymore. I didn’t feel pretty, I looked way older than I was at the time. It was awful. I had low self-confidence stemming from a situation that would biologically never change. It was time to do something about it.

Behind the Blog

Hey there, I’m Kim

Welcome to my safe place to talk about hair loss in women. The struggles I know most of you go through when entering the world of wigs, and hair toppers for women is real.

I am a professional wig tech and my behind-the-scenes tips and tricks will help you navigate this wonderful but sometimes confusing world of hair toppers (aka. helper hair). Let’s talk!

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My journey with Helper Hair!

The Tips, Tricks & Tears

Read more about my hair loss journey and how I come full circle from working in wig shops and hair replacement centers, up to today, dealing with my own hair loss issues… Plus, my favorite products I use to maintain my fine bio hair!


The Beginning

Read all about my thin hair history. Things that may have destroyed my hair and the things I tried to fix the situation.

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Masking the Problem

Updates on my hair’s progress and the products I used to try to keep my thin hair in its best shape.

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Time to Do Something

Dipping my toes into the helper hair world and explanations of the types of faux hair available.


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Wig Colors Explained

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